Il y a juste 6 ans…

Capture d’écran 2015-09-18 à 11.55.54C’est souvent en regardant en arrière qu’on se rend compte du chemin parcouru… Voici une vidéo que j’ai publiée il y a 6 ans, jour pour jour, le 18 septembre 2009. C’était un an avant l’ouverture de CrossFit Brussels (septembre 2010), même si CrossFit Namur existait déjà (alors appelé “CrossFit Belgium”) et utilisait un espace dans une salle fitness traditionnelle. 

Je n’avais comme matos qu’un pneu, une masse et un kettlebell de 16 kg. Pas de barre, pas de medecine ball. Je ne suis pas sûr que Rogue existait déjà. Reebok était encore loin de s’intéresser au CrossFit. Les Games se déroulaient dans les champs et n’étaient pas encore diffusés en direct.

A l’époque, je suivais les vidéos en ligne sur, avec Chris Spealler et Annie Sakamato. On ne connaissait pas Rich Froning.

J’avais découvert le CrossFit quelques mois auparavant (vers février 2009) et commencé mon blog “Sport is Everywhere” en juillet 2009.

C’était un an avant que je fasse ma Level 1 et 2 ans avant le début des événements Reebok CrossFit en France, le Salon du Fitness à Paris, le Reebok CrossFit Fitness Championship (ancêtre du French Throwdown).

Six ans, c’est à la fois long, si on imagine ça devant soi. Et à la fois court, à l’échelle d’une vie, lorsqu’on regarde en arrière.

Ca signifie qu’en 6 ans, on peut découvrir quelque chose qu’on ne connaissait pas, et qui n’existe pratiquement pas là où on vit, et en faire petit à petit son activité principale. Aujourd’hui, il y a plus de 40 salles CrossFit en Belgique, et je co-gère l’une des plus grandes : CrossFit Nivelles. J’en vis, avec mes 2 associés, et 7 coaches travaillent avec nous.

La refrain de la chanson (Hatebreed : “Live For This“) qu’on entend derrière dit :

“Every drop of blood, every bitter tear
Every bead of sweat, I live for this”

(“Chaque goutte de sang, chaque larme amère
Chaque goutte de sueur, je vis pour ça”)

… c’est plus ou moins ce que j’ai fait ces 6 dernières années. Si vous avez un objectif, poursuivez-le… Vous n’avez aucune idée d’où vous serez dans 6 ans !!

New Books (2) !

Photo 21-10-13 18 50 26

Nouvelle commande Amazon… entre entrepreneuriat et contestation politique !

Shankman K. 2013. Nice Companies Finish First. Why Cutthroat Management Is Over – and Collaboration Is In, NY : Palgrave MacMillan.

Martin, A.J. 2012. Renegades Write The Rules. How the Digital Royalty Use Social media to Innovate, San Francisco : Jossey-Bass.

Honneth, A. 2013. Un monde de déchirements. Théorie critique, psychanalyse, sociologie, Paris : La découverte.

Hibou, B. 2012. La bureaucratisation du monde à l’ère néolibérale, Paris : La découverte.


Quand c’est Ashton Kutcher qui le dit…


L’acteur Ashton Kutcher a eu quelques mots intéressants lors des Teen Choice Awards. Loin des discours convenus, et commerciaux, l’acteur a livré ses 3 conseils à la jeunesse :

1. “I believe that opportunity looks a lot like hard work”

Premier job à 13 ans, en aidant son père à monter des bardeaux (tuiles en bois) sur les toits, puis la plonge dans un resto, et ainsi de suite. Ashton Kutcher explique qu’il n’a jamais quitté un job sans en avoir un suivant, et que chacun de ses jobs a été une étape supplémentaire vers son succès actuel. Les “opportunités” n’apparaissent donc que lorsqu’on travaille dur.

2. “The sexiest thing in the entire world is being really smart”

“La chose la plus sexy dans le monde entier, dit-il, est d’être réellement intelligent. Et d’être attentionné, et d’être généreux. Tout le reste n’est que conneries que l’on essaye de vous vendre pour vous faire vous sentir moins sexy. Ne les achetez pas. Soyez intelligent, soyez attentionné, soyez généreux.”

[youtube_sc url=zuBSRC1zpHw]

3. “Build a life — don’t live one”

Le troisième conseil est directement inspiré par Steve Jobs : “Quand on grandit, on nous dit que le monde est tel qu’il est, et qu’il faut vivre sa vie dans ce monde, sans avoir trop de problème… avoir un diplôme, un job, gagner un peu d’argent, avoir une famille, etc. Mais il faut savoir que tout ce qui est autour de vous, que l’on appelle ‘vie’, a été conçu par des gens qui ne sont pas plus intelligents que vous. Et vous pouvez construire vos propres choses, vous pouvez construire votre propre vie”…. Ne vivez pas simplement votre vie – construisez-la !

“Why I Hate School But Love Education” – Spoken Word, by Suli Breaks

[youtube_sc url=y_ZmM7zPLyI width=430]

Tellement de choses intéressantes dans ce Spoken Word (les prémisses du hip-hop !) par Suli Breaks ! Deux phrases à retenir ?

  • “Education is about inspiring ones mind not just filling their head” (L’éducation consiste à inspirer les esprits, pas juste à remplir les têtes)
  • “if you don’t build your dream, someone else will hire you to help build theirs”. (Si tu ne construis pas ton rêve, quelqu’un d’autre t’engagera pour l’aider à construire les siens)

Texte complet : 

So you want to get a degree, why? Let me tell you what society would tell you, increases your chances of getting a job, provides you with an opportunity to be successful, your life will be a lot less stressful, education is the key. Now, let me tell you what your parents would tell you, make me proud, increases your chances of getting a job, provides you with an opportunity to be successful, your life will be a lot less stressful, education is the key.

Now let’s look at the statistics, Steve Jobs’ net worth $7 billion R.I.P; Richard Branson net worth $4.2 billion; Oprah Winfrey net worth $2.7 billion; Mark Zuckerberg, Henry Ford, Steven Spielberg, Bill Gates now here comes the coup, the grace.

Looking at these individuals, what’s your conclusion? Neither of them in being successful ever graduated from a higher learning institution, now some of you would protest like, you know money is only the medium by which one measures worldly success, some of you even have the nerve to say, I don’t do it for the money, so what are studying for? To work for a charity, need more clarity?

Let’s look at the statistics, Jesus, Muhammed (inaudible) Socrates, Malcolm X, Mother Teresa, Spielberg, Shakespeare, Beethoven, Jesse Owens, Muhammad Ali, Sean Carter, Michael Jeffrey Jordan, Michael Joseph Jackson were either of these people unsuccessful or uneducated?

All I’m saying is that if there was a family tree, hard work and education would be related, but school would probably be a distant cousin. If education is the key, then school is the lock. Because it really ever develops your mind to the point where it can perceive red as green and continue to go when someone else said stop, because as long as you follow the rules and pass the exams, you’re cool. But are you aware that examiners have a checklist? And if your answer is something outside of the box, the automatic response is a cross, and then they claim that school expands your horizons and your visions. Well, tell that to Malcolm X, who dropped out of school and is world renowned for what he learned in a prison.

Proverbs 17:16, It does a fool no good to spend money on education, why? Because he has no common sense, George Bush need I say more. “Education is about inspiring ones mind not just filling their head”. And take this from me, because I’m a educated man myself, who only came to this realization after countless nights in the library with a can of Red Bull keeping me awake till doing in another can in the morn, falling asleep in between paws of books which probably equates the same amount I’ve spent on my rent, memorize equations, facts and dates, write it down to the letter, half of which I’d never remember, and half of which I forget straight after the exam, and before the start of the next semester, asking anyone if they had notes for the last lecture? I often found myself running to class, just so I could find the spot on which I could rest my head and fall asleep without making a scene, ironic because that’s the only time I ever spent in university of chasing my dreams.

And then after nights with a dead-mind; identifying myself in the queue of half awake student zombies waiting to hand in an assignment, maybe that’s why they call it a dead line. And then after three years of mental suppression and frustration, my proud mother didn’t even turn up to my graduation.

Now I’m not saying that school is evil, and there’s nothing to gain, but all I’m saying is, understand your morals and reassess your aims, because if you want a job working for someone else, then help yourself. But then that would be a contradiction, because you wouldn’t have really be helping yourself, you’ll be helping somebody else; there’s a saying, which says: “if you don’t build your dream, someone else will hire you to help build theirs”.

Redefine, how you view education. Understand its true meaning. Education is not just about regurgitating facts from a book on someone else’s opinion on a subject to pass an exam. Look at it, Picasso was educated in creating art; Shakespeare was educated in the art of [word] that was written. Colonel Harland Sanders was educated in the art of creating Kentucky Fried Chicken.

I once saw David Beckham take a free kick, I watched as the side of his Adidas sponsored boot hit the playing level of ball at angle which caused it to travel towards the skies as though it was destined for the heavens. And then as he reached the peak of his momentum, as though he changed its mind, and switched directions, I watched as the goalkeeper froze, as though he recited to himself to lose the physics, and as though his brain was negotiating with his eyes that was indeed witnessing the spectacle of the level swung that was [sweeping] towards it, and then reacted.

But only a fraction of a millisecond too late, and before the net of the goal embrace the fee for sponsored ballers, as there was the prodigal son returning home and the country that I live in erupted into cheers. I look to the play, and [forth], damn. Looking at David Beckham is more than one way in this world to be an educated man.

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